A major trend in medical devices and wearable devices is miniaturization, where these small tools need to be as small as possible while still reliably performing their designated functions. Flexible circuits solve medical problemsFPCVarious challenges faced by manufacturers. One of the notable features of medical FPC is that it allows medical FPC manufacturers to manufacture smaller devices.
Dynamic bending
Medical FPC has extraordinary bending or bending ability. Medical devices typically expand/contract during their operation. Medical FPCThe bending characteristics make it very suitable for medical applications. This property is also advantageous for applications connected through hinge devices. For designers in the healthcare industry, flexibility is particularly challenging because in the past, it was not a primary consideration for medical electronics products. Most early medical devices used to be larger and more robust. With the emergence of flexible circuits, medical devices are developing into more compact, durable, and flexible.
Reliability is the ability of a system to continuously perform its required functions without causing performance degradation or failure. Reliability has become crucial in medical applications and wearable devices. Usually, interconnection points are potential sources of electronic failures. Flexible circuits minimize connection points and simplify assembly. This characteristic of flexible circuits eliminates the opportunity for defects such as poor interconnect solder joints. Medical FPC is basically made of polyimide material. These polyimide FPC materials can resist various environmental and chemical changes. The ductility and flexibility of medical FPC materials minimize the impact and vibration events.
Electrical reliability
Medical FPC materials are generally very suitable for high-speed signal applications. The following functions of FPC make it electrically reliable: compared with standard rigid materials, the dielectric constant is increased; Uniform material thickness; Consistent line width and spacing; Trace width calculator.
Space and weight
One of the dynamic features of medical devices and wearable devices in the new era is the minimization of size. These small tools must be as small as possible while performing the required functions. The increasing demand for such small devices in the medical industry has made medical FPC an ideal choice for such devices. Flexible circuits have thin copper layers and insulation layers. Therefore, the bending radius of medical FPC can be minimized as needed. Therefore, these medical FPCs can adapt to narrower spaces.