Shengyi, a cooperative supplier of Shibo Tong


Shengyi is one of the largest copper-clad laminate enterprises in China Technological strength leads the industry Annual output exceeds 100 million square meters . The company headquarters is located in Dongguan City But the subsidiary covers the whole country Its products are sold worldwide . The company's products ccl Copper Clad Laminate It is a plate-shaped material made of fiberglass immersed in resin and then covered with copper foil Printed circuit board PCB One of the essential materials . In the past year Increased market demand The new production capacity of Shengyi Technology has been put into operation Make the company's performance grow rapidly . The total assets of the company have also significantly increased due to the listing of Shengyi . In the short term The industry in which the company operates has strong cyclicality Mainly due to the uncertainty of upstream raw material prices and changes in market conditions . however In the long run Due to the overall development and rapidly increasing usage of downstream electronic products The future of the company's products will be very bright .

Product Research

Copper clad laminates are divided into two types: rigid copper-clad laminates and flexible copper-clad laminates . Rigid copper-clad laminates can be further subdivided into paper substrates Fiberglass cloth substrate Composite substrates and other products Among them, paper substrates are relatively basic products Applied to household appliances, etc And the application of fiberglass cloth substrate is more extensive . Flexible copper-clad laminates are more commonly used for flexible connections The process is slightly different Stronger potential for future development .

The most advanced technology in the copper-clad laminate industry currently is high-speed copper-clad laminates and high-frequency copper-clad laminates Because it is widely used in 5G High value-added fields such as automotive electronics . All companies in the industry Including Shengyi They are all developing towards high-speed and high-frequency copper-clad laminates I hope to enhance profitability and reduce the cyclical nature of the company's performance . The market for high-speed copper-clad laminates is larger than that for high-frequency copper-clad laminates The competitive barrier of high-frequency copper-clad laminates is stronger More complex technology . Rogers, an American company, holds a 64% market share in high-frequency copper-clad laminates But the domestic market is also striving to catch up .

Data analysis
Compare with companies in the same industry ShengyiThere are many advantages in terms of business data management .
1. Rapid income growth In the past decade The company's revenue has increased nearly fourfold Obtained a compound growth rate of 14% Far superior to other competitors . This consolidates the position of Shengyi Technology in the industry .
2. Profit growth smoothing cycle As a company in a cyclical industry The profit data of Shengyi Technology shows no significant fluctuations We need to compare industry data to see the profit cycle clearly . Shengyi Technology's compound growth rate of 23% and its stability have effectively balanced the cycle over the past few years .
3. Continuous growth in gross profit margin and net profit margin The company's gross profit margin has increased from around 15% ten years ago to nearly 28% Net profit margin increased from around 8% to 15% . This reflects the improvement in the company's operating conditions and the progress brought about by its development .
4. Strong profitability The company's ROE leads the industry On average, nearly 20% in the past five years Extremely rare for the copper-clad laminate industry . This reflects the strong profitability of the company's products .
5. Stable dividend distribution The company's dividends are higher and more stable compared to other competitors Lower risk for investors More security .

comparative analysis
Compared to companies in the same industry The growth of Shengyi Technology is significantly stable . Although this represents a limited proportion of performance growth for the company during the industry's upward period But this ensures the long-term stable development of the company Looking at it over an extended period of time The company's growth rate is ahead of its peers . The company's industry-leading technology also makes its profitability extremely strong Gross profit margin and ROE continue to grow while other companies remain stagnant . The continuous differentiation of company quality within the industry will give Shengyi Technology the best prospects

Source: Snowball
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